
Boys DormitoryGirls Dormitory
The Ravenclaw Tower is located on the west side of Hogwarts, the staircase leading up to the common room is presumably located on the fifth floor, and is the location of the Ravenclaw common room and dormitories. The entrance to the room is at the top of a spiral staircase, and is a door without doorknob or keyhole but a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. In order to enter the room, you must answer a question asked by the eagle knocker; if you answer wrong, you must wait for someone who gets it right.
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Divination Classroom
The North Tower is one of the many towers in the castle. The tower is the location for Divination classes and the Divination teacher's office. The entrance consists of a ladder leading through a trap door.
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The Clock Tower does not begin at the Ground Floor level. Because it is placed on top of a hill, the Tower begins at the Third Floor level. When you enter the Tower, there is a huge space, like an Entrance Hall with flights of wooden stairs at the right and left side. The first landing is at the Fourth Floor level. It is at this landing that are the clock's gears and face. This same corridor connects the Tower to the remaining castle. If you go up another flight of wooden stairs, you will get to another landing, this time at the Fifth Floor level. It is in this landing that are the clock's bells; some massive gold and copper bells. There is another corridor at this landing; like the other, it links the Tower to the main castle.
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The Dark Tower is a small but high tower near the Transfiguration Courtyard at Hogwarts Castle. This tower seems to be used as a prison. It has several prison cells, with the topmost being at the roof. The cells are not, however, charmed or otherwise protected against breaking-in from the outside. It has seven floors.
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Astronomy Classroom
The Astronomy Tower is the tallest tower at Hogwarts Castle surrounded by a parapet and turret. It is where students study the stars and planets through their telescopes in Astronomy lessons. This is usually done at midnight where the stars are best seen. The tower is out-of-bounds except for classes.
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Wilhelmina Emerald Rayne Avatar
Here We Go Again! by Wilhelmina Emerald Rayne
Apr 1, 2019 10:32:20 GMT
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The Bell Towers are two towers that rise over the main entrance to the Herbology Greenhouses. Between the two towers are a set of double wooden doors which lead along the Ground Floor Corridor. Inside the left Bell Tower is Filch's Office.
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Girls DormitoryBoys Dormitory
Gryffindor Tower is located behind the portrait of the Fat Lady on the Seventh Floor of Hogwarts Castle. A Password is required to enter it, which is spoken to the portrait. A circular hole is behind the painting, leading to the Common room, which is a circular room where Gryffindor students can relax after a long day of studying. The Common room is full of squashy armchairs, tables, and a bulletin board where school notices, ads, lost posters, etc. can be posted. A window looks out onto the grounds of the school, and a large fireplace dominates one wall.
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Headmaster's Quarters
The Headmaster's office is located within the Headmaster's tower, though its entrance appears whenever it is truly needed. To gain entrance, a password must be given to a stone gargoyle, which will move aside at the correct password to reveal a spiral staircase with moving steps. The office is a circular room with windows, decorated with portraits of previous Headmasters including Dilys Derwent and Phineas Nigellus Black. Many magical instruments are kept here, such as the Sorting Hat and the Pensieve.
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A castle without towers is like a hippogriff without wings; unnatural. There are many towers on the castle, each with its own unique and stunning view.
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Ava Aleksandria Kowalski Avatar
Ava Aleksandria Kowalski:
-rolls eyes a little- -amused- -slides chair out- heads to bar with purse- -can't believe she's spending one on one time with Ash- -totally telling Sash all about it later- -orders butterbeer and waits-
Jun 1, 2019 16:55:31 GMT
Ash Lucas Sawyer Avatar
Ash Lucas Sawyer:
*drums fingers on table* *glances at Ava* *at camera* *Ava* *camera* *Ava* *picks camera up and turns it around to look at it* *accidentally pushes button and takes picture of self* Shit. *turns it the other way and aims it at Ava* *click*
Jun 1, 2019 16:59:06 GMT
Ava Aleksandria Kowalski Avatar
Ava Aleksandria Kowalski:
-pays for drink- -heads back to the table- -sits back down- Thanks -looks at camera- -looks at Ash- -looks at camera suspiciously- Did you play with my camera? -eyes Ash with a playful suspicion-
Jun 1, 2019 17:02:10 GMT
Ash Lucas Sawyer Avatar
Ash Lucas Sawyer:
*smirks* No way. There is not a close up picture of my face on there. *hides behind drink*
Jun 1, 2019 17:09:16 GMT
Ava Aleksandria Kowalski Avatar
Ava Aleksandria Kowalski:
-laughs- Good to know, that would be awful other wise, just terrible -total sarcasm- -but OMFM!!!- -going to look like such a stalker having a picture of him- -will probably look at it over the summer- -ugh!- -is such a creep!-
Jun 1, 2019 17:14:42 GMT
Ash Lucas Sawyer Avatar
Ash Lucas Sawyer:
*taps sketch guys broken heart again* *raises eyebrows* *sips drink*
Jun 1, 2019 17:16:05 GMT
Ava Aleksandria Kowalski Avatar
Ava Aleksandria Kowalski:
Again? Poor guy's going through the ringer today.
Jun 1, 2019 17:18:51 GMT
Ash Lucas Sawyer Avatar
Ash Lucas Sawyer:
He's a sensitive soul, you should really be kinder to him.
Jun 1, 2019 17:19:52 GMT
Ava Aleksandria Kowalski Avatar
Ava Aleksandria Kowalski:
It certainly seems so! -takes a mouthful of butterbeer- Maybe I'll draw him a special someone to keep him company later.
Jun 1, 2019 17:22:33 GMT
Ash Lucas Sawyer Avatar
Ash Lucas Sawyer:
Kowalski! *grins* Is that what you get up to in your spare time?
Jun 1, 2019 17:24:07 GMT
Ava Aleksandria Kowalski Avatar
Ava Aleksandria Kowalski:
Oh Merlin -covers face with hands- -so blushing- Clearly I meant a dog or something! Man's best friend and all that! -shakes head- -face still in hands-
Jun 1, 2019 17:26:59 GMT
Ash Lucas Sawyer Avatar
Ash Lucas Sawyer:
*laughs* You can't backtrack now. Kinky sketches. I like it. *grins* *finishes drink* *stands up* Let me know how it goes. *wink* *leaves*
Jun 1, 2019 17:29:16 GMT
Lachlan Finnigan Macnair Avatar
Lachlan Finnigan Macnair:
*enters the cafe* *hears the music in the background* *head bobs to the music* *pouty lips* *heads to counter* *orders coffee and cake* *takes a seat* *looks about* *pats legs to music*
Nov 22, 2020 11:15:50 GMT
Echo Arista Everwood Avatar
Echo Arista Everwood:
*enters cafe* *stomach grumbles* *all the food* *orders a muffin and hot chocolate* *spies a friendly pout and sidles up to Lachy* "Hey there, hot stuff. Fancy some company?" *sliiiides into the seat beside Lachy all smooth and sexy* *sort of*
Dec 8, 2020 14:12:49 GMT
Lachlan Finnigan Macnair Avatar
Lachlan Finnigan Macnair:
*looks up at Echo* *nods all cool like* Hey babe, *checks her out a little* *leans back* *stretches arm over Echo's seat* You got hotter.
Dec 10, 2020 10:27:12 GMT
Echo Arista Everwood Avatar
Echo Arista Everwood:
*shrugs* I've been workin' out. Sticking to a strict cake diet. *wink*
Dec 21, 2020 15:38:37 GMT
Euphadora Rose Parkinson Avatar
Euphadora Rose Parkinson:
*enters the cafe with Mimi and queues to place her order* *spies Echo and Lachy* *mumbles to herself* Of course the riff raff are consorting. *rolls eyes*
Dec 27, 2020 22:35:07 GMT
Lachlan Finnigan Macnair Avatar
Lachlan Finnigan Macnair:
If it's carrot it's healthy. *genuinely believes that* *hears the bitchiest bitch in all of Bitchville* Hey, *points at Whora Parkinson* No dogs. There's food and drink around, you dum-dum. *points at Mimi* The puppy can stay. *smirks*
Dec 29, 2020 3:00:46 GMT *
Echo Arista Everwood Avatar
Echo Arista Everwood:
And yummy. *nods in agreement* *rolls eyes at Whora* *snorts back laughter* *looks wistfully at Mimi* The puppy would probably be happier with us. *has to pretend she doesn't know the puppy* *urgh* *where's my cake?*
Jan 5, 2021 16:14:09 GMT
Euphadora Rose Parkinson Avatar
Euphadora Rose Parkinson:
*makes a rude hand gesture toward the pair of them* *orders a tea and biscuit*
Jan 30, 2021 19:12:48 GMT
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